Saturday, October 17, 2015

Tabuaren, Fanning Island

October 16
Today we were in Tabuaeran, Fanning 
Island. It was wonderful. This was the place
I was really looking forward to seeing. 

From our ship’s Explorer “With only 2000
residents and no electricity or indoor
plumbing, Fanning Island is as close as
one can get to the proverbial virgin tropical
island in paradise.”

The island is located in the middle of the
Pacific ocean about halfway between Hawaii
and Australia.

We walked around part of the island, visited
the elementary school and met the principal.
They have 118 students and six teachers. The
teachers are educated at the University
on another island. We also saw the high school. 

We had singing from the smaller children and
from the teenagers.
We saw a lot of laundry hanging out, but did
not see inside houses. Houses are built on stitlts
and very simple.

I hope to do a video from pictures when we
return home.





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