Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nuka Hiva

Nuka Hiva

November 8

Taiohae (Nuku Hiva), French Polynesia
All good cruises must come to an end. We
have another week but today was our last

This will probably go down as my favorite
cruise. Going to all the small beautiful
islands has been wonderful. After we left
Hawaii we only stopped at two medium
size cities.

We walked around Nuku Hiva, another
Beautiful island and visited a Catholic
Church with lots of nice carvings and
an archaeological site.



Avatoru, Rangiroa

November 6, 2015

We had an on again off again rainy day in
Avatoru, Rangiroa.

The weather has been wonderful, not too hot
and only a few sprinkles. That’s wonderful
considering  how many ports we’ve been to.

This was another small island. We took a
really nice glass bottom boat trip.

Our location guide Kanoa has told us many
times to do different things and I think we’ve
done a pretty good job.

Unfortunately our trip is nearing an end,
only one more port.


Saturday, November 7, 2015


November 5, 2015

We had a wonderful 4W drive around Moorea.
We shared our ride with 1 fellow passenger and
4 French people staying on the island. Our
excellent driver did great having to tell
everything twice. Our last stop was similar
to the narrow, steep, crooked roads in Bora
Bora. Great fun.


Tahiti Nui II

Tahiti Nui

November 4, 2015
We took a nice tour around Tahiti Nui
Today Papeete to Papeete. Four hours with
four stops which turned into 5½ hours with
5 stops. We saw a sacred site, grotto,
botanical gardens, blow hole and Point
Venus with view point and black beach.
Papeete is a city and Tahiti is more modern

than most of our other stops. But we did see
a lot of  pretty sites.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Uturoa, Raitea

November 3

The tour options offered to us in Ututoa,
Raitea included two shopping stops which
was not appealing.
We overheard someone at the info desk getting
directions for a walk. It was a hike up a
mountain for a nice view.

The path was a gravel road which wasn’t
real difficult but it was steep. About halfway
I told Foster he needed to sit down and wait
for me. Unfortunately I forgot to get the
camera. Someone is supposed to email me
some pictures if she doesn’t forget.

The day started our hazy and then clouds
rolled in. But when I got to the top the
clouds had cleared a bit and the view
was beautiful.

We did get pictures from lower on the
mountain. The small cemetery is in
someone’s yard which is quite common
in the SP.